Sunday, June 14, 2009

Alternate uses of blogs

Blogging platforms (,, etc.)
allow you to create a blog where you can publish your thoughts at a
frequency you like.

A blog is a web page which has a date associated
with each post (a sort of web page). These pages are presented in
reverse chronological order (that is, the latest post/page is shown
first followed by the older posts/pages.)

Simplicity of blog websites coupled with the ability to post updates
through email makes it possible to do a number of wonderful things like:

  1. Publish a daily updated things-to-do list for yourself or your department or your organization.
  2. Update daily (or weekly or monthly) prices and rates in your industry. (Gold, currencies, real estate etc.)
  3. Make notes of what your learned today. (class room or self-learning.) Share it with world or keep it personal.
  4. Build a repository of web sites links (bookmarks) you find useful while browsing internet and may want to visit later.
  5. Prepare lecture notes and share with your students through a blog.
  6. Update your inventory onhand list for your branches or salespeople reference.


Keep in mind that:

  1. You can allow the whole world to view your blog or restrict it to yourself or a group of users.
  2. You can allow multiple people to update the same blog.

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