Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 from Microsoft or Mac OS X from Apple are called "operating systems" software (OS for short) in computer jargon. Very few people know that there is an operating system called "Linux" which is free and can be installed on their computers and even fewer of these knowledgeable people use it.
You may ask why bother to even worry there is such thing called Linux. The biggest reason is that you will get rid of all computer viruses, spyware and other security issues as soon as you install Linux. This will make your day to day computer use enjoyable and worry free. With Linux your existing computer will become much faster without spending a dime because you don't need to install (and keep updating forever) those so called "security suites". (anti-virus, firewall, anti-spyware software etc) Linux is available under many names like Redhat, Ubuntu, Suse, Debian etc. For desktop users Ubuntu is the easiest one. 10.04 is the latest Ubuntu release. I have been using this release for about a month and have helped install it on my clients, friends and family members' computers. All these users are, to say the least, quite happy and amazed. Ubuntu 10.04 sets a new level of ease of use for installation and auto-configuration of your computer peripherals. It installed within 15 minutes and detected all devices (wireless network, bluetooth, wireless keyboard, mouse, memory cards etc.) on my laptop and home computers and got configured without asking a single thing. You can install it on your existing Windows hard disk or in a separate partition without much fuss. You just need to follow these steps: Installation- Download Ubuntu 10.04 CD in ISO format (700 MB) from http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download.
- Create a CD from this ISO image, boot your computer from this CD and just follow instructions. (Make sure you first backup important work on your computer)
Thanks for providing very useful information about linux and its latest version. I will certainly try to use it to make my laptop easy and burden free.
Hussain Kaisrani